lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Financial intelligence

Financial Intelligence
Financial Intelligence is important image by
Financial intelligence is not knowing many theories on financial management, it is not the knowledge of mathematical formulas or methods of academic studies on the subject.

Financial intelligence is simply knowing how to manage money on behalf of you of emotional and rational manner.

Rationally, simplmente is knowing that if you earn 100 units of money, you should not spend beyond that, if you spend 101 each month, these fried at the end of your life, but if you spend 99 will live peacefully.

Now, if you want to live comfortably financially you must spend only 80 of what you want and invest the other 20 for a good time in your life, then you will have passive income that will make you live free the rest of your life.

But how to do that ?, well, managing your emotional intelligence.

Do not spend that another 20 requires managing emotions:

The thought that you deserve this and that
The thinking is the latest supply and must take advantage
The thought that "and that won me the money"
The thought that others think but I buy this or that
The thought that I will say stingy.

If you manage emotions, surely you triumph over the money and you will be the master of money and money work for you, but will otherwise.

What do you want?

You decide, you are the master of your life and your money.

What is your opinion?

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015



All decisions and financial activities of a person, can include budget, debt, mortgage loans, insurance, savings, investments, expenses, and many more. These require planning of revenue, and expenditure, and the use of surplus, if any, considering the short and medium term. Therefore, the planning and decisions on how to use your own money is called personal finances.

Yourself could redefine their personal finances by reviewing your income-expenditure, and how to use attached to a plan, you decide.

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